Well things have been busy here in the Krefting house. Colin has been growing and exploring like crazy. Man is he into everything. We spent most the summer at home. Pete and I had the pleasure to go to St.Lucia and boy the we enjoy it. Kt was wonderful to get away and be without little man for a week but after we had checked into the resort within the hour I bought the week of internet so I could facetime little man.
We did some swimming and mama and grandpa`s pool. In July Uncle Kyle and his puppy KJ came to stay fkr a few weeks. Colin really seemed to like having KJ to play with since he is still a puppy but it was like twins to everyone else. This summer seems to have flown by. In two weeks we are going to Florida we cant wait to see everyone down there. Hopefully fall won't go by so fast.
Krefting Family
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Summer is gone
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
It has been a while
I know it has been a while since our last up date. Boy time has gone by so fast. We have been busy it seems life everyday with something and when I think about updating this blog well I seem to get side tracked. Little man is now into everything. He started walking April 15 by himself and had been non-stop since. Pete and I are going to St. Lucia in just a few weeks for a 7 day vacation and a good friends wedding. It is going to be hard to leave little man for the week but we know he will be fine. Hopefully it won't be as long for the next update.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Time is flying!
Oh my time is flying by! I can't believe that our little boy is already 9 months old. We have already had a lot of our "first". Colin has rolled over, sat up by himself, pulled himself up, crawled by himself, and even said mama and dada. We are also now planning his first Christmas. I can not believe it is my favorite time of the year. We have gotten our Christmas tree up with lights on and now I get to decorate it over the next few days and then hope Colin does not mess with it to much. The puppies are starting to come around to Colin. I mean it has been 9 months. I caught Rusty sitting under the highchair while Colin was feeding himself. Well I will post pictures of Christmas later but here are some pictures from Halloween night.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
October 2011 and Pumpkin Patch
I know! I know! It has been a while since I last updated but life has just been busy. August and September seemed to fly by and now October is almost done. Today Colin and I went to the Pumpkin Patch with the Vandiver gang! It was so much fun. Colin seemed to enjoy watching all the children play! I know he can't wait to be able to run around himself and play. We Colin is holding at about 18 lbs, I weighted him this week at work! Life is going well here doesn't seem to be slowing down. Peter is out of town this weekend for work and then next week I leave for a 5 day trip for work to Savannah GA. It will probably be a difficult week for me and I am sure it won't be easy for Peter as well as he will be taking care of Colin full time. That should be interesting for both of them.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Beach trip
So I know it has been a while since I last updated but life is flying by. So little man is 5 months old. Man where does the time go. We are at the Gulf Shores currently and little man loved the ocean and hanging at the pool. We are down Herr on a long weekend thanks to Peter's work. It has been great. I am glad that they let us bring little man this year. This beach trip has been different from all our previous trips. We have definitely seen more of are condo then the beach but that is okay. Well I must go feed little man his dinner so we will try to update more often. I just downloaded an app for my phone to update the blog.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Summer Time
Well I know it has been a while since I have updated but we have been very busy here. Lets see a lot has happened since Easter. We survived the April tornado's, went to South Florida for Nicole's wedding, visited Pete's grandmother,saw Peter's dad, went to Atlanta to see Aunt Pat, we went to Texas for Ashley's wedding, Pete's family came into town for Memorial day. That was all in one month, man that was a busy month. I went back to work May 31st it has been nice to get back into a new normal routine. I am working 3 days a week and Colin is staying home with his Me`Me. He is enjoying his time with her.
Oh and we FINALLY closed on our house the 6th of May so we have been busy or I should say Pete has been busy getting it ready for us to move into. His brother came up from Florida to paint the downstairs and it is finally done. We are hoping to get carpet this upcoming Monday and then we should be able to move some of our stuff into it. I can not wait to get Colin's room set up. He is ready for his bed.
Well my little man is growing up way to fast. On Monday June 20th he rolled over for the first time and he did it back to back and then some yesterday. Let's see what else he has been up to. He is laughing, smiling, cooing and sitting up with support now. I can't believe he is going to be 4 months next week. Oh where does the time go... Well here are some pictures of little man.
Hopefully we will be able to update soon from our new house. We love everyone!
Oh and we FINALLY closed on our house the 6th of May so we have been busy or I should say Pete has been busy getting it ready for us to move into. His brother came up from Florida to paint the downstairs and it is finally done. We are hoping to get carpet this upcoming Monday and then we should be able to move some of our stuff into it. I can not wait to get Colin's room set up. He is ready for his bed.
Well my little man is growing up way to fast. On Monday June 20th he rolled over for the first time and he did it back to back and then some yesterday. Let's see what else he has been up to. He is laughing, smiling, cooing and sitting up with support now. I can't believe he is going to be 4 months next week. Oh where does the time go... Well here are some pictures of little man.
Hopefully we will be able to update soon from our new house. We love everyone!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter
WOW! What a busy week we have had. We got out and about everyday this week except for one day when we had storms. It felt very nice to get out and go shopping and have a play date. My little boy is two months old today on Easter. We are so blessed with this precious little man. I took Colin to work this week to see the girls. So I decided to weigh him, he weighs 10 lbs and 15 ounces. He is sleeping 6-7 hours at night at least 3-4 night a week, which is great. He is still having some stomach issues and when his stomach hurts the entire house and neighborhood seem to know. Hopefully it will work its self out in the next week or so.
Last Sunday I took Colin to see the Easter bunny at my mom's work. He did has he usually does and slept through the entire outing.
This week is not going to slow down at all. We close on our new house on Thursday and leave for South Florida. We are going to see one of my best friends get married and I can not wait to see Nicole and Dominic get married. Then we are off to the other side of Florida to see Peter's Grandmother then back to Huntsville to work on our new house. Hopefully, I will be able to update this blog often but we seem to be super busy the month of May and then my time as a stay at home mom will end and I must return back to work. Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. We finally downloaded off the camera.
Last Sunday I took Colin to see the Easter bunny at my mom's work. He did has he usually does and slept through the entire outing.
This week is not going to slow down at all. We close on our new house on Thursday and leave for South Florida. We are going to see one of my best friends get married and I can not wait to see Nicole and Dominic get married. Then we are off to the other side of Florida to see Peter's Grandmother then back to Huntsville to work on our new house. Hopefully, I will be able to update this blog often but we seem to be super busy the month of May and then my time as a stay at home mom will end and I must return back to work. Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. We finally downloaded off the camera.
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