Sunday, March 13, 2011

Getting use to life

   So we have been home for almost two weeks. For two weeks Colin and I have been inside my parents house trying to stay away from the public and all those germs. This past Thursday, Colin had his newborn check up at the doctor. My little boy is growing way to fast. He is now 6 lbs and 14 oz and is 20 1/4" long. He is already growing like a little weed. The doctor seemed very impressed with his weight considering he is a breastfeed baby. I was orginially concerned going into the appointment about his weight because he feeds every 4-5 hours and typically they feed every 2-3 hours. I was afraid that he would not be gaining that much weight and they were going to tell me that I had to feed more often. So I was very happy with his report and that we could continue on this schedule that we are currently on. Other than his doctor appointment and going to his Grand Me`Me's for Sunday dinner Colin has only seen the inside of his Me`Me's and Grandpa's house.

   Peter has gone back to work, work, work! So he had to go out of town on Wedensday and Thursday this past week and he thinks he is going to have to be out of town again this upcomming week. It is not to bad right now since we are at mom and dad's but Colin seem to not sleep as well on Wedensday night. We will see how it goes this week while Pete is gone. I am not sure how I will manage the dogs and Colin when he must go out of town but I am sure it will work it's self out.

   So I had to go out and buy diapers this weekend for the week. So Julie came over and picked me up Saturday and we went to Sam's. Wow! I never would have thought that Sam's would be my enterainment for a Saturday. It felt good to get out and about even through it was only to Sam's. It was weird that Julie and I were alone to go shopping, that probably won't happen again anytime soon. We enjoyed our time together and then Julie came and hung out for a little while at mom's and dad's.

   Now what I am sure you are really looking for on this site. More pictures of Colin. I attempted my own photo shoot. The outfit he has on is the one that he had on when we left the hospital. Man has he grown into it just a little bit. Also I am posting a picture of his crib that is great grandpa built him. We can't wait to get in our own house and set up his room so he can enjoy his crib, dresser and bookshelf that his great grandpa made.

This was taken at about 5 days old

Colin with his wreath that Julie made for him!   
Colin's crib

1 comment:

  1. I love the crib and pictures! Think I can get grandpa to hook Owen up with a new crib! Lol I'm not picky or hard to please! The pictures that you took are adorable! I'm ready to see that little man again soon. I loved getting to hangout with you Saturday. Looks like your really settling down into parenthood. SAMs on a Saturday will become a special treat soon. Enjoy it while you can. Hope we can get together for the CRAFT show this weekend. :) whoa we are getting OLD! Love you and your precious family!
